ART is all about the PROCESS in which it comes from. Drawing from CULTURE, HISTORY and the ENVIRONMENT we can then fully appreciate and see what has been hidden from us

identity has always been a journey. a journey plagued with anxiety and self doubt. a journey ridiculed and riddled with imposter syndrome. a journey that confused me and made me question who i am. nonetheless, it is a journey. a journey filled with self growth and lessons. a journey brimming with solidarity and empowerment. a journey that I can finally embark on knowing that there is beauty in its complexity, just like me and just like you.

i identify as a muslim, black, african and sudanese, third culture kid (tck) woman. these parts of my identity are intersectional since they reside within me; they are facets of my identity that I have had to learn to love and appreciate fully. as a cis-gendered female, I have had the privilege of not thinking about gender as a fluid spectrum, until I was confronted with the LGBTQ+ community in my early years of college.

living in America for the first time in 2016 when I had the opportunity to vote was a pivotal point in my life that made me realize the importance of community and solidarity. my work as an artist, a student of architecture and life is influenced by the revolution that runs through me. being sudanese and being a part of the revolution in 2018 has impacted my life to always approach identity with understanding and to continue empowering people to unapologetically be themselves.

in my work i see it to be important for people who share my religion, islam, to listen more closely to what we believe in which is peace and equity and to practice that by throwing judgement of others aside. i think that these elements of myself have pushed me forward towards the artivist movement and storytelling. stories are how we connect to each other through time and space and the informality of stories are truth.

i am hibatullah

Follow my art journey.